Friday, July 15, 2011

Puddin Momma!

My mom is the owner of CBC Photography. Over time she has shocked and even brought me to tears with the great memories that she has caught.

CBC stands for Clayton, Buck, and Cheyenne. Did you expect a grandmother to come up with such a wonderful name for her business. I LOVE it, although I am not quite sure what she will do when Claire or I have another child hehe.

I am not sure of the exact month but a few back CC was entered into a beauty contest. My mom did the same for me when I was a little baby and I won some type of award but who can remember that? Well for the contest you have to create your child a portfolio and the photos below were the ones my mom put in CC's/Puddins album for review.

The beauty contest was definitely not my cup of tea and its mostly because I don't agree with how aggressive the parents get with the competition and make it a chore for the children. Thankfully I did not bump into any mothers like that at this show. This event was for the all natural beauty and really what else do you really need to do to a 6 month old to make them beautiful. They are already!

We had to bring both Tater and my nephew, Monkey. NOT COOL! These rug rats had me wanting to hang them from the rafters ended up in time out several times. I had to bribe them with cookies that I stole from the sign in table.

Well Puddin walked on stage and it was like everyone knew she was the winner. I mean duh she was the most beautiful baby there. I am not bias at all lol! All in all she placed very well and she did win in the Portfolio division. Way to go mom for taking such great shots.


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