Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Potato Parties..while mommas out!

DH, Sammy, and I hit the theaters last night to watch the latest Twilight movie. It was just incredible. If you haven't read the books then you don't have the proper insight on the movie. While we were at the movies Sammy's hubby, Mishy and her guy had Potato over for dinner.

Potato is always the center of attention where ever he goes and I think he likes it that way. They made fajitas and he was not shy to take his share of the nom.

After the movie we chatted a bit but I was all to excited to get back home so that I could see Potato. I still hate leaving him. It doesn't matter who or where I am always worried something will happen or that he will reach a milestone. I know it is good for him to have separation and he is such a little socialite that it does not bother him at all when Mommy is not around. It's a completely different story when he is sick though. Oh well I will take what I can get!

I was very excited to see that the 3 adults we left Potato with were still all in one piece and not sitting in a corner crying when I got back. Potato is a great and very disciplined baby but he is a baby; which means he is very curious. Both uncles and Auntie Mishy were all great and had an absolutely great time with Potato. I was also happy to see that they did some art work with him. I mean really how lucky are we to have friends that LOVE teaching and creating with our son. I love them all so much. DH and I were so excited to see the scrapbook creation that Potato did all on his own with a tiny bit of help from Auntie Mishy.

Isn't it beautiful?! Its on my refrigerator. I am just a little proud! I have my frig completely covered in Potato and Monkeys art pieces. I also try to send out art twice a month to our loved ones so that they may have a little piece of Potato. He is a very serious artist but a little ADHD because he MUST have 8-10 coloring pages at one time so that when he gets bored he can bounce around from page to page. I don't question the madness. Who am I to stifle his creativity? Plus I quite enjoy watching the spectacle.

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Tater Mans listening?

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