Sunday, June 19, 2011

Krom Fam Day #3

Unfortunately day three played out the same as the previous because both Mr Randolph and I were both stranded at work while Lil' Randolph was at school. This was just not right since our Krom's were out and about playing with Nana and Papaw. Not all. It was all good since they got to go visit with Grandma Dot.

Thankfully 5pm came fast and that meant we headed out to the country to visit. This night a big dinner party was happening and boy the house was packed. Before we got out there though we had to stop at Toys R Us and get our sweet nephew Jackson his two-year-old birthday gift. We got him a Mater (from cars) fluffy toy that tells jokes and a little Lighting McQeen car. Well I had an Auntie fail moment because Jackson really wanted slippers and when he could not put Mater on his foot then there was a bit of a melt down. I felt so bad but his mommy reassured me that Mater would end up being his favorite toy that night.

When we got out there the house was enchanted with warm smells of brisket, rotisserie chicken, and baked beans. I was one of the last ones to eat because well my nephews were in the house so I had better things to do than eat! After I stole many kisses and of course fussed Tater for the millionth time. He is going through the terrible twos and well its working on mommy and daddies last nerves. I know this too shall pass. So f'ing pass already lol!

By the end of the night we attempted to take a family picture. Wow! Just WOW! We don't usually get large family pictures taken and now I know why. It was quite insane and very much awkward. Where to stand? Which camera to look at? What are the kids doing...are they smiling? Good God! All in all we finally got some great shots. I mean if you take 50 photos you are bound to get one....right?!?

Mr Randolph melted every ones heart when he played with Aiden and taught him to give noggin! It was so adorable and Aiden really ate up the attention and his uncles beard!


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