Sunday, June 19, 2011

Krom fam Day #2

The second day with our Krom family was perfect. Matthew and I both had to work which is unfortunate mostly because we I was so antsy to go see my nephew! Hubby is really working his butt off at work on a huge project so his mind has been preoccupied.

As soon as we got home we visted with Uncle Richey then packed up to head to Nana and Papaws. Thankfully this night we all went in our pjs and were just able to relax and enjoy our little rolley polley nephew. You guys should see him roll. He is 8 months old and instead of crawling, Aiden rolls his way around the room. Very precious!!!

Tater was showing off of course and Aiden was amazed at how his cousin was able to jump all around him and play like a big boy. I really can't wait to see how they interact when Aiden gets older. Clayton really didn't understand why cousin just laid there and did not want to play trucks or balls with him.

Maria(nana) made a ham and potato salad so that was dinner and then we pretty much wiped out a tray of cookies for dessert. We were a bunch of piggies for sure.

I am really going to be sad when they go home.

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