Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Appreciation, I has it!

I have always been the type to profusely say thank you, send appreciation, and thinking of you cards. It always gives me great joy to write to someone and reiterate how I feel about them or just simply how much I miss them. Since all of the drama of switching jobs I have lost my way on that and feels the need to let those special people in my life know exactly how I feel about them and how much they mean to me!

My family first and foremost I owe so much to just for support and all the financial assistance you have given our family. Since I consider my friends a part of my family you fall into the same category. I don't thrive unless you are ALL in my life.

I know that I mistakes and I know sometimes I let some relationships slack but for the ones that mean the most to me I can guarantee that there is not a day that goes by where you are not on my mind. I pray for each of you every night along with sending virtual hugs and kisses all the time.

I do appreciate you, love you, respect you, and you will always have a special place in my family.


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