Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Tater Man!


Hi honey! This is mommy and I am writing you a special letter today in celebration of your third birthday. I can’t believe that I have watched a beautiful baby grow into a sweet boy. I am amazed each day at how much you learn and how mature you are for your age. It’s a real blessing .

Our morning routine is me fighting you to get out of bed because you have become your father, meaning you are not a morning person. You stumble into the bathroom with your eyes closed grumbling the whole time. I have to cover my mouth most times because I giggle. You look forward to your daily green beans (vitamins), as well as, passing out mommy and daddies green beans. I love the fact that you make sure daddy eats each one. The best part is you count each one of your own green beans to make sure mommy is not holding back.

Then we brush our teeth. Clayton, you also have a bad gag reflex so this is a tough for you. I haven’t seen you give up though and you insist on doing it all by yourself. I am still working with you on spitting the tooth paste out because you swallow it then try and spit. I don’t know what to do with you!

Clayton you currently still attend a local daycare that we love. The class is capped at 10 and your teacher, Mrs. Cheryl, loves you very much. She says that you are her biggest eater and one with a great imagination. Sometimes you are caught in a day dream but she says that’s where you get all of your best ideas. You are quite the talker and great with group play. She also played a huge role in getting you potty trained. You look forward to see her each day and I will be crushed the day I will drop you off at big boy school.

Daddy picks you up in the afternoons since I can’t get to you in time. I am not sure what goes on for the hour that you guys are alone but you are certainly wound up and full of stories when I get home. Remember me mentioning the imagination you have grown. Well last week we found out that there is a Brachiosaurus living in our house! Thankfully he just hangs out in your room but he shows up a lot and makes a huge mess in your room. You tell us that we have to be quiet because he will hear us, so we oblige.

Our night time routine is much different then the morning. You run around like a crazed man and speak so much and so fast we can’t keep up. You like to help mommy and daddy cook and that has become our family special time. I let you stir and play with the spices. You were brave one day and tasted the coriander….lets just say you won’t like mommies spices again.

After dinner we go straight to bath time. You don’t spend a lot of time in there and I can’t leave you any more by yourself. Not because I am worried you will drown but mostly because when you are done you jump out of the bath wet and soapy and run to your room to play. I freaked out the first time I ran in there and saw you sitting in your lazy boy naked, playing with you know what.

When it is time to finally go to sleep daddy and I take turns with putting you to bed. You like to sing you ABC’s about 6 times, say your numbers about 10 times, and then con us into another 3 rounds of ABC’s only to follow up with a round of prayers. We don’t even care that putting you to bed takes about 30-45 minutes.

I am happy to say this year has been void of any crazy doctor visits or sicknesses. Truly a blessing! You did have an annual check up this year and of course you topple the scales with being 98 percentile for height and weight and I believe your head is 100 percentile. That noggin is a big one.

Tater you are getting great with directions and you tell us just how to get certain places. You tell us where to turn and who you plan to see that day. I guess what they say about men having a natural sense for direction is true. Each morning you go to daycare you tell me I am going the wrong way because Nana and Papaw don’t live on this road or Cousin Buck lives in the opposite direction.

Your daddy says that you sound like a little old Cajun when you talk sometimes. Phrases like “Meh yah” , “Don doo Dat”, and “Don eat Dat” come out of your mouth frequently. Hilarious!

Clayton I want to tell you how much you mean to me and that these last few years have been simply amazing. You have taught me so much and I adore you. I love your button nose and sweet disposition. You are very polite and say Please, Thank you, Welcome, Bless you, I sorry, we are working on the ma’ams and sirs and seem to be catching on nicely.

I love that now you finally like to let mommy cuddle and put you to sleep sometimes. You usually like to go to bed alone. Such a big boy!

I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday this weekend with all of our family and friends. They love you so much Tater Man.

Happy Birthday Baby!


Here is a note from daddy:


I am writing to you on your third birthday, before you know how to read, because I want to
you know now and always what a special place in my heart you hold. I hope that you will look back on
this one day like I do with the letters papaw has given me with a smile on your face and warmth in your

The first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew life would never be the same. I have cherished these
last few years with you, and I try every day to teach you and guide you through life both as a father and
as your friend. I hope that you will know that I will always be there for you and I look forward to the life
and adventures we will share. I know you will grow up to be a great man no matter what path you
decide to take at life’s many forks and I look forward to being by your side for many years to come.

I love you bubba and I hope you have a Happy Birthday and many, many more.




  1. Absolutely adorable!!!

    Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! :)

  2. Awwwwww - so sweet! Happy birthday Tater!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Tater! :) Hope he had a great 3rd birthday!!

  4. I loved your letters! So sweet! Happy Birthday, Tater!


Tater Mans listening?

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